I get by with a little help.
Where is my post-run sunrise?! COME BACK!
Man, this week was hairy. Had a pretty intense project due that I was really having a hard time getting together for many different reasons. On top of that, it was one of those weeks where there were “fires” to be put out constantly. You know how it is, you are at work all day but 3pm hits and you have yet to check a single email? This little time sensitive project on top of it was making matters a little more stressful. But a few late nights and some early mornings and it all got done just under the wire. So in the end, it all worked out and I didn’t lose any hair, I don’t think.
Do you ever feel sometimes like you just can’t deal? I know I do. I am guilty of putting too much on my plate, and there were several moments this week where I thought to myself “I can’t do this, it’s too much.” But then you know what happened? People happened. A colleague offering a helping hand that literally saved me from a meltdown, a random phone call from an old friend that completely lightened my mood, a client who thanked me for changing their life. God is funny like that. He tells you to take on these things and you think to yourself, do you have the right person? Are you sure you are not confusing me with somebody else? When really he has a plan all along, you just have to accept the help he gives you.
None of us are in this world alone, even if at times you might feel that way. Open your mind and your heart to those around you who want to help. That is why we build relationships, to support one another, to love one another & to lift each other up because we really cannot do it all alone (not without having a breakdown anyway). THAT is what makes the world go round. Don’t feel bad for accepting help either, because there WILL be a time when someone needs YOU.
This weekend is my last official weekend before I really have no life and start back at my second semester of grad school classes, so lord knows I am going to soak it in! I will be getting a nice long run in with some good friends on Saturday, getting some fun family time in and of course snuggling with these two good lookin’ fellas 🙂
Stay Blessed in the MESS 😉
It's simple. Do what you love.
Happy Tuesday!
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