2016 Here I Come!

Did you think because I have a newborn at home I wouldn’t be setting goals for this year? Come on! If anything is motivation to get after life, it is having a kid and setting a good example.  Even if they don’t really get it at this point and just eat poop and sleep (repeat 100 times daily).

Looking back at 2015…holy cow. What a crazy year full of the unexpected. One of my biggest goals for last year was to slow down and simplify my life- which turned out to be a near impossible task with the kind of year we had.  I thought 2015 could be a pretty chill year, but as it turns out buying a fixer upper home, finishing my Masters degree and having a baby are not ingredients for a chill year.  But God sometimes has other plans and let’s be honest, his plans are usually way cooler.  I mean really look at this face, it is proof the big guys knows what he is doing up there. Sigh.


Aside from slowing down, I kept the majority of my resolutions with some hiccups here and there which makes me feel good.  But I am ready for a new year.  Because I spent the majority of 2015 pregnant and not training for any races or competitions, I am SO READY to hit the pavement and the weights hard this year.  I am counting down the days right now until my post delivery appointment when I get full permission to start running and lifting again.  I CANNOT WAIT!  I was able to work out and run my whole pregnancy thankfully, so here is to hoping I can get back into fighting shape pretty quick. Not to mention, 3 weeks into maternity leave and I am already getting a little stir crazy.  Our basement is almost done being finished which will of course be the “man cave” but I also convinced my husband to let me have a little home gym down there, victory! No excuses when I am at home in the dead of winter with the babe.


I have some pretty big things to accomplish this year, but at the same time my goals are pretty straight forward and simple.  To summarize: Enjoy being a Mom, Get faster and stronger, Write and read more & Save money.  That is the gist of it.

To see my 2016 goals in more details you can click here or if you want some tips on setting your own goals, check out a post I wrote last year around this time here.  Don’t feel pressured that it is already mid January, take this month to really be intentional about what it is you want to do this year, don’t rush into it.  Reflect on it, write it down and make action plans.  One year from today, you will wish you started.

Stay blessed in the mess! 🙂

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