I am writing to you today as an old lady of 28 years, wooooo! I am gaining on you, 30! This past Sunday was my Birthday and it was quite the fabulous weekend of celebrating. Friday night I took the train into the city to see my best friend, as her birthday was Friday. We almost always celebrate our birthdays together. I absolutely love that she lives in the city now, because it gives me an excuse to go experience Chicago more often. I just adore Bridget and Mike so much, they always take me to fun places. We hung out at the Millennium Park bar until Mike got off work and I proceeded to have way too much alcohol before 6pm (2 cocktails and a beer is way past my tolerance, I was a little too excited for the weekend). Thankfully we headed out to a place called Chophouse right afterwards for some really good food and then just called it a somewhat early night.
Bridge and I had planned on doing a long run in the morning but it was raining SO hard so we wussed out and instead we hit up some thrift shops, SO FUN! We found so much fun jewelry, I got a Columbia running jacket and Bridge got this beautiful formal dress. Thrifting is seriously my new favorite hobby.
Later in the afternoon was my little brothers graduation party, which was great to see some family and friends who I have not caught up with in a while and to celebrate this awesome new chapter for Justin. I am so pumped to see where he goes in life and all the big things he will accomplish!
Later that night, Shain dropped me off at the Aurora train station so I could pick up my truck and take it home. While going home, a raccoon ran out in front of me and despite Shain’s voice in my head saying “don’t swerve for animals, that is how people die!” I swerved. Because it was still rainy out, my truck completely hydroplaned and spun out twice before hitting the guardrail. I was going somewhere around 40-50MPH so in those few seconds I literally thought I was going to total my truck and get really badly hurt or maybe not even make it out at all (your mind gets dramatic when you are spinning out apparently). But once I hit the guardrail…my airbags did not go off and I was fine. I got out to look at my truck and just my bumper was damaged. I probably could have cried and freaked out, (don’t get me wrong I was upset) but the first thing that came to my mind was: “Holy CRAP that’s it?”. So, despite what a rough year my truck has seen and how embarrassed I am that this is the 3rd incident in 6 months (not all were my fault I swear!), I feel nothing but lucky. I think somebody likes me upstairs. I hope you have a long and meaningful life Mr. raccoon, you are welcome.
Needless to say, I was happy to wake up and see my 28 birthday on Sunday and spend time with the people I love, eat lots of good food and too many sweets. Life is too short..and things happen. Just gotta keep counting your blessings 😉
Resolution check-in
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