Happy Tuesday!
Happy Tuesday, friends! I hope you all had a great weekend.
So, I have a confession to share. Friday night after work I decided to wait for it…wait for it….go the the MALL. I know what you are thinking. Shame on you, Jill. Have you learned nothing in your year of no shopping? Aside from a few random purchases a few weeks ago from some gift cards I saved up, this was my first real shopping experience in over a year. I would be lying if I told you I was not excited. I also made a pact to myself this year to NOT BUY CRAP. An 8 dollar shirt from TJmaxx might sound like a good idea until it falls apart a week later and there goes 8 dollars down the drain. So I walked my butt straight into the Banana Republic (outlet, duh) and bought 3 new nice dresses for work. Dresses are the easiest thing ever. You don’t have to think about them, you just throw em on and BAM, people think you are so put together. Joke is on them. Well, sometimes.
So as I was driving home all excited about my 3 new quality items, the good feeling started wearing off and the guilt set in. I should not have bought those. I did not need them. But I deserve it! But do you really? You have a wedding to save for! What is wrong with you!? You know how it goes. Truth is buying yourself a few nice things really can lighten your mood, make you feel good to go into work, make you feel confident. It is when we start playing with the territory of doing this too often. So instead of returning them, I went home and started purging yet more clothes to make up for it. Keep in mind people, not only did I not buy ANY clothes last year but I also got rid of a TON. Ten garbage bags worth to be exact. Yet, my closet still looked like this:
Confession: This is only one of my closets. Pathetic.
Also, this is the amount of hangers I got rid of over the year:
So I got home and to make myself feel better about my new purchases, decided I would get rid of another bag full of clothes. And that is what I did. Man does it feel good to get rid of stuff, so cleansing! I feel better. Get rid of your stuff people! It’s better than therapy!
Saturday morning, my pup and I met the run group for a nice 10 miler along the river. Was great weather for it! And of course what good is a long run if you can’t have a breakfast treat afterwards? Blueberry crumble and coffee from the village grind, YUM!
Of course this weekend also included our cook-up.. Meals for the week: Seasoned Tilapia with veggies and Risotto ( all I did was throw all this in the crock pot), Zucchini Pizza Casserole (got this idea from pinterest) and Herb Spinach Chicken burgers (PaleOMG). Super Easy recipes! Pinterst and PaleOMG are my saving grace, I take no credit at all. Will have a special recipe palooza post this week, stay tuned!
Monday in honor of MLK, I had the day off work. Thank you Dr. King, you rock. So I got a double workout in and then my good friend Jess came over to “help me get excited about wedding stuff”, what a pal. So in return for her help, I made some yummy food 🙂
Paleo Muffins (Courtesy of CinderellaPaleo Catering), fruit salad and bacon wrapped eggs (Pinterest)!
I get by with a little help.
Tribute to CFO
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One Comment
Mary Tessitore
Made me laugh Jill, I feel the same way when I buy stuff.