A look back at 2014
There was A LOT that happened in 2014…almost too much to handle. I got married to an amazing man and accomplished some pretty lofty goals I set out for myself. To see all the goals, visit my 2014 Goals tab. Here are a few highlights…
Qualify for the Boston Marathon
This was my big one, and I did it by the skin of my teeth. My final time was a 3:34:56 and I needed a sub 3:35 to qualify. Unfortunately, with the high volume of registration I still did not make the cut to get into the actual race. I won’t lie- I cried about this for a good day. But then I set it free, Boston is not going anywhere and I know I will get there eventually. It was a huge feat for me personally to even post a qualifying time and took a lot of hard work to get there. My first marathon time was a 4:26 and I never dreamed I could be in the 3:30s!
Don’t let the little things bother me
This was tough, this was a constant work in progress and something I had to be conscious of at all times and still do. With having a stressful year at work, it made being positive and not letting little things get to me very difficult. But I will tell you what made it easier…time. This is the first year since I started working at age 14 where I only had one job to focus on. In college, I worked 20-30 hours a week on top of school and being an ahtlete. When I started my career at AU, I still babysat, worked odd jobs and did personal training on the side. Until this year, I worked at least 60 hours a week if not more…every week. Year after year. This year, I slowly cut back on my personal training clients and other side jobs because adding grad school in the mix was finally too much. This was a hard decision to make but it was the best. If I had not done that, I would have had a nervous breakdown by now. No doubt. What does this have to do with not letting the little things bother me? I have more TIME to focus on the priorities at hand, to reflect and to just be. I was still crazy busy, but I was not having meltdowns over the silliest things. I hope I never go back to keeping a schedule like I did, not sure how I did it all those years to be honest with you!
Plan a wedding for under $10,000
Didn’t quite meet this goal, but man did I try. Our guest list turned out much higher than we anticipated which threw our budgeted numbers off a little (turns out when you date for 9 years everybody wants to come to your wedding). But we pulled a wedding that had 235 guests off for CLOSE to $10,000! I have said it before and I will say it again…I would marry Shain all over in a heartbeat..but would NOT do the wedding again. Turns out getting married and having a wedding are not at all related to each other. No sireee not for me.
Purchase NOTHING new (clothes, shoes)
In 2012, I made a challenge to myself to not buy any new clothes for an entire year. And aside from one purchase at the Chicago Marathon expo, I did it. I bought nothing else all year. For 2014, I decided to do the same thing but change it up a little and gave myself the rule of only shopping at second hand stores such as Goodwill, Plato’s Closet, Clothes Mentor & Salvation Army. There will be a separate blog post coming on everything I found on this fun challenge, I highly recommend doing it!
I am so excited to see what 2015 has in store for me, will update you soon on some of the new things I am going after. How did your goals for 2014 go? What will you be going after in 2015? Please do share!
Happy Holidays!
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