About Me

I’m Jill & I am so glad you are here.

I am a writer, lover of the outdoors, Jesus follower, college counselor, momma and a wife.


I have been filling journals since I was a little girl, writing  is my way of seeing the world, of processing my feelings and connecting with others.  I am a number 4 on the Enneagram, so things get pretty heavy quick around here.  

I worked in college admission for 12 years before starting my own private college counseling practice, My College Summit.  When I am not working with high school students or chasing my toddlers, you can find me outside, with my nose in a book, or of course…writing. 

On this blog, I share truth. My truth. How I see the world, what I am struggling with, and how I am coping with the everyday challenges of being a parent/wife/human. I hope this blog helps you feel seen. I hope it helps you find the blessings in the mess. 

You can also find me on Instagram @blessedinthemess or email me at JillDiaz713@gmail.com


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