Almost there!
This is a picture Shain and I took when we had one year until the wedding.
Now… BAM we have less than one month. WHAT THE WHAT? When did that happen? Amidst a crazy and stressful year, the months were apparently just flying by. I am so thankful I finished up with school last month because it is officially crunch time. Lots of emails finalizing things going back and forth, long to do lists of last minute details, meetings with vendors etc. So much for free time, what else is new? Oh yea and did I mention Shain is pretty much never home this time of year? AHHH!
Despite my well known hatred for the wedding industry, I am getting very excited. Again, please do not confuse this with a hatred towards marriage, weddings and marriage are two different things. But seriously, I am excited to be surrounded by our most favorite people and finally make this relationship “official” after almost a decade together. As things are coming together we do unfortunately have some regrets of not holding our ground for certain things, but right now it is what it is. We just have to let it all roll out and enjoy the day. It will be glorious. I cannot wait to be a DIAZ!
Also…operation get my summer abs back is in full effect. Which means more running, minimal sweets and carbs… and my friends and co-workers will probably be taunting me with chocolate and sour patch kids just to watch me squirm. Jerks.
Holy crazy April.
Are you awake?
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