A little over a week ago, I sat in the same spot I am right now and wrote a blog post about being thankful that I had time to slow down, as I had been feeling very overwhelmed and stressed in the past months. I sit here again and feel even more thankful and even more blessed than I did in that moment. But for different reasons.
This past weekend my pup Wyatt and I made our usual early morning walk through the woods by our house. For the most part I can take him off the leash and he listens pretty well and stays within 10-15 feet. But every once in a while he gets mischievous and gets too far away from me. There is a little hill I was walking up and he was on the other side, out of my sight when I heard a noise. I called out his name and then when I got over the hill I saw an animal run off in the distance away from Wyatt but could not tell what it was.
I would prefer to not describe the scene from that point on to you as I am trying very hard to block it out of my memory. I called Shain and we took him to the hospital right away where he spent most of the day in surgery. He has lacerations on 3 of his legs and severe damage to his mouth which will take the longest recovery, but he will be okay. We go back for a follow up appointment next week to see if any further procedures are needed.
Anybody that knows Shain and I well, knows how much we love this dog. He is our fur-baby, he is our family. I have wanted a dog my whole life, and at the age of 24 I finally had one of my own. The night we adopted him I literally cried the whole way home because I was so happy we finally found each other (and being the weirdo I am I also cried thinking about the day I would not have him anymore). He has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me, to us. Wyatt is my loyal running buddy, snuggle bug and a light in our household that always brings laughter and happiness. I say that I feel more thankful and blessed than anything right now for many reasons.
1.) He is here. I am well aware the situation could have been worse and I thank God it was not.
2.) I am thankful that I have friends/family/ co-workers who know this is not “just a dog” to us and for the outpouring of love and prayers. I have felt a little crazy the last couple days, feeling super on edge, dealing with my guilt and wondering if people think we are being dramatic over a dog- but we have gotten nothing but love.
3.) I am thankful for a boss and a job that let me flexible and work from home the first couple days of this week, while I made sure he was stable enough to be left alone on his own.
4.) I am thankful for a husband who is nothing short of amazing. Shain has gotten up at all hours of the night to give Wyatt meds, is constantly checking on him, making special food etc. It has given me great insight to what an awesome partner he will be like when we have our human babies, not just fur babies 🙂
We also have some other loved ones right now who are struggling with their health, so I ask for the continued prayers for Wyatt’s recovery and our family as well. Kinda of feel like the Devil is trying to bring us down right now, but we won’t let that happen.
Last week I felt like life was flying by me and I was thankful to have a moment of peace. It’s funny how that changes when a loved one is sick or we experience loss. It is as if the crazy life pace literally comes to a screeching halt and you are just praying for the days to go by faster so that things can get better and easier. I think it is because in those moments, the things that are truly important take precedent and everything else just seems silly. Because it is. Family, friends & love are everything.
Stay BLESSED in the mess.
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