• Confessions from the first month with two littles…

    We have officially reached the one month mark in this house with two littles and it has been nothing short of interesting. After what seemed like a ridiculously long pregnancy and a million false alarms, we welcomed baby Maeve into…

  • Change is Hard, Change is Good.

    One year ago, I took a bit of a leap of faith.  Not a huge one, people change jobs all the time after all, but it can be a scary change none the less. I left a place where I…

  • Bottle to Sippy Cup Transition

    I had heard from other mom friends that the transition from bottles to sippy cups could be a tricky one.  So, I tried to get ahead of the game and introduced a sippy cup with a straw to Rocklyn just…

  • My Breastfeeding Journey

    Oh, breastfeeding.  The topic that seems to have been quite the “rage” if you have become a mom in recent years. I really do think it is so fantastic that normalizing breastfeeding has become such a big thing after it…

  • Baby Schedules & Sleeping

    Call me crazy, but I value sleep.  I also value routines, they make me happy, they make me feel secure and in control.  So when having my first baby, I knew that this was something that was going to be…

  • Random Mom Thoughts

    Hi, Friends. It’s been a while. I wrote a majority of this post while on a quick work trip to St. Louis a few months ago.  Ironically, the last time I posted back in August I was also on a…

  • Pumping & Flying Like a BOSS

    Pumping is probably the least glamorous thing ever, even more so when you are trying to figure out how to get it done while traveling/flying. But it IS possible! When I was interviewing for new positions after I had my…

  • Colorado Reflection

    Let’s get real.  No matter how needed the change is…starting a new job has got to be one of the most terrifying experiences ever.  Why? The fear of the unknown of course. What are my new coworkers really going to be…

  • New Beginnings

    I have had a lot to think about in these last few months into being a working Mom.  As you learned from my last post, balancing has been pretty tough for me. I have been constantly faced with the question…

  • How am I balancing? I’m not.

    Let’s see. The last time I wrote a post, it was the day before I was returning back to work from my maternity leave in March.  I was sad, nervous, excited, and wondering how I was going to balance working…