• Chicken, Apple & Fennel Salad

    I could not be more relieved that March is almost coming to a close.  Aside from being the month that some of my most favorite people were born in, it is a rough month. It teases us with signs of…

  • Feeling Challenged? Keep Going.

    Ever feel like you are stuck in a rut? Meeting challenge after challenge with no end in sight? No matter how positive your intention is to start the day, you end the day in frustration. I know how you feel…

  • A Master’s Degree in Servant Leadership? Huh?

    Last month, I knocked something big off my bucket list. I finished my MASTER’S DEGREE!  Why is this big? Because it took me 2 years longer than I thought it would to finish it and of course it was a…

  • Still Trying to Slow Down

    Remember how I told you one of my big resolutions for 2015 was to SLOW DOWN?  A weird goal to have I know, but in order to stay balanced and happy; it was something that I needed to intentionally set…

  • How are your goals?

    How is your journey to healthy eating coming along? How are those goals of yours?  Don’t be embarrassed if you have fallen off the wagon a couple times already…anything worth going for is hard. Often times we beat ourselves up…

  • A Different Perspective on “Hate” and “Bullying”

    Taylor Swift was on to something with that song of hers… “Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate, I’m just gonna shake shake shake shake shake, shake it off.”  In other words, don’t let the negative energy of others bring…

  • Who is your authentic self?

    One of the daily devotionals that I have been reading talks about finding your authentic self.  It’s been said that your most authentic self is who you were around age ten. When you knew what you liked, you wore what you…

  • Finding Your Happy

    We all have those people in our lives.  The whiners, the negative nellies, the people who sometimes suck all the good energy out of a room without even realizing it.  No matter what kind of gold arrives on their doorstep they…

  • Breaded Chicken (without the bread)

    Ready for another favorite recipe of mine? Again, please do not give me credit for these recipes I share with you.  I just tend to frequent a lot of blogs and cookbooks for inspiration and then tweak to my own…

  • Easy Does It

    When I completed my most recent marathon back in September, I was relieved to give running a break for a while, to switch gears.  I have maintained a consistent Crossfit schedule through every race I have trained for the last…