Solo Travel Is The BEST Travel
If you have never traveled somewhere alone, whether it be internationally or not-I highly recommend it. I love traveling with friends or with my husband etc. but when I am alone, the experience is SO much different. Machu Picchu has…
My Resolution To SLOW Down
One of my goals for the 2015 year is to slow down. To be more aware, cautious and present. Kind of a weird goal I know, let me explain. Ever since I was able to work, like most teenagers I…
How to set goals and SUCCEED
University of Scranton research suggests that just 8% of people achieve their New Year’s goals. Thank you University of Scranton for that bit of motivation, I am sure you are also going to tell me my marriage has a 50% chance…
2014 Nothing “New” Challenge
I set out many goals for myself in the crazy year of 2014, but one of the most fun ones was the challenge to buy “nothing new”. Back in 2012, I made a challenge for myself to not shop for…
Happy Holidays!
Can you believe next week is Christmas? WHAT? When did that happen? Since I am married to Clark Griswold, I usually feel like we celebrate Christmas for waaaaay too long. But this year, with the little incident we had with…
A little over a week ago, I sat in the same spot I am right now and wrote a blog post about being thankful that I had time to slow down, as I had been feeling very overwhelmed and stressed…
Since my marathon…(oh ya know over two months ago) I have been having a little “vacation”. No, not the tropical beach kind..the kind of vacation that makes you want to stay as far away as possible from a tropical beach…
We are the SAME.
For those of you not familiar with the admission field, it is currently that time of year where most admission counselors/college reps are what we like to call “on the road”. On the road in high schools doing classroom presentations,…
How did I get here?
Do you ever catch yourself in a moment and wonder…“How did I get here?”. How did I get to be this age? How did I get to this place? It is almost as if the years happen in the blink…
October fun.
I was about to start writing this post with “Wow, these last few weeks have been crazy!” until I realized that in the two years I have been blogging I think I have started a post with that line at…