• Don’t blame me.

    This past week I had the opportunity to go to my first ever National Association for College Admission Counseling Conference in Indianapolis and it blew me away.  From the keynote speaker to the various informational sessions, not to mention the…

  • Hopeful.

    It has been a craaaaaazzzy week!  This past week/weekend I had an awesome opportunity to go to the National Association for College Admission Counseling conference.  This one is different from the IACAC conference here in the spring that I always…

  • Boston Qualifier.

    They say that 87% of people let the fear of failure keep them from being successful.  EIGHTY SEVEN PERCENT.  Is that number not terrifying?  So much untapped potential.  So many people so close to their dreams that come up short. …

  • Fall weekend FUN.

    This weekend was a busy one!  We had been planning it with one of Shain’s friends for a while, but I cannot believe how quickly September crept up on us!   We don’t get to see these particular friends too…

  • 9 days.

    I cannot believe race day is almost here, eeek!  I am super excited, nervous, terrified, confident and calm about it… all at the same time. I finished my last dreaded track workout this week.  As much as I hate doing…

  • Wedding on a budget

    I have had this post mostly written for months, but could not bring myself to post anything wedding related.  Just couldn’t do it.  Now that time has passed, here goes.  I promise this will be my last and final on…

  • Passion.

    Parking spots are rare to find, the quad is filled with activity… and I find myself getting less work done due to all the student workers stopping by my desk.  Fall is HERE.   I could not be more excited…

  • Refuel

    It has been WEEKS since I have written!  Well, not technically.  I write all the time, but it has been weeks since I have officially shared on my blog.  My computer at home has been a pain in the butt…

  • Thoughts become reality

    So, you know how I always write about staying positive and manifesting/visualizing your life, going after what you want..bla bla bla?  Well, I have an apology to give to you.  I have not been following my own advice lately.  What…

  • Honesty.

    One of the biggest mistakes we make with ourselves and with others,  is not being honest.  This makes sense though, being honest is hard.  It means you have to come to some serious self realizations that you may be uncomfortable…