First comes love…

then comes marriage.  But see, what those jerks don’t tell you is about this awful process in between called WEDDING PLANNING.  Warningthis post will probably not be inspiring, but thank you in advance for listening to me vent.  You are the best 🙂

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No, I have not day dreamed about my wedding since I was 5.  I hate dressing up, hate public displays of affection and I tend to get very uncomfortable with too much attention.  In fact, I have had more nightmares about my wedding than any other subject matter.  I actually had a dream once where people were dragging me down the aisle  like some convict.  I know, I have issues.  Just was very scared of it for quite some time.  It  took almost 8 years with the same guy to realize that  it really is what I want.  So fast forward, here I am with this shiny thing on my finger and taking the plunge AND OH MY GOD do you know how much weddings cost for a girl with an outrageously large Italian family??  Enough to pay off all my student loans and feed a small country turns out.  I feel like the wedding industry people are a bunch of criminals, seriously.

Don’t get me wrong, I am VERY excited to be married and be surrounded by friends and family and have a fun celebration.  But you see, I am lame.  I don’t really like to drink a lot, have a hard time staying up past 9pm and my idea of a good time is one glass of cheap wine, a good book and a good sunrise workout the next day.  See?  Told you, lame-sauce.  So, I have never really envisioned myself throwing this big bash for a wedding.  A low key backyard BBQ is more my style.  BUT, I also want to do something nice so that I do not break my mother’s heart (it’s not my fault you raised a tomboy, Mom).   So, somehow I  need to find a balance between those two and it would be a bonus if it did not cost a million dollars. Barf.


There is a place in Oswego we are looking at next week that is like an old restored barn and so cool.   Even though their prices are way more than we want to pay, I am hoping we can charm them into working with us.  I mean come on I LOVE OSWEGO,  so much.   Shouldn’t  there be a discount for that?   We live here, work here and consider ourselves a pretty good asset to the community.  PLEASE GIVE US A DEAL.

So for the next few days I am going to take my own advice and manifest that this venue will magically lower their cost because Shain and I are so stinking awesome and they want to help fellow Oswegoans out.    If it doesn’t, then it was not meant to be and something else will come a long that is even better.  Fingers crossed.

Happy Friday, stay blessed in the mess!

One Comment

  • Rhonda

    You are too cute…and your not alone. I, myself, got married 21/2 yrs ago…and same thing..I wanted a small, quaint wedding, but with style. And I’m not into staying up late and dancing the night away—and you know what, it turned out perfect and just how I envisioned, and we spent very little! You just have to be creative and refuse to spend a fortune. Although it is one of the most important days of your life…I think most people would rather save the money and use in other ways…after all, when the day is over, it’s over! love ya!!

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