Happy Monday

Happy Monday, friends!  I hope you all had as fabulous as a weekend as I did.  Why was my weekend fabulous?  Well, mostly because I did not have to RUSH around anywhere.  You know what I am talking about, those weekends where you have so much going on and then you end up being exhausted by Sunday night?  That is pretty much most weekends for me, but every once in a while I have a weekend with no set plans and it’s awesome.  I literally did not do my hair, put on makeup and wore workout clothes all weekend. Bliss.

Friday night Shain and I stayed in and ordered pizza from this new spot in town and it was yummmmy.  We love to support our local small business and Firehouse Pizza will for sure be on our Friday night menu again in the future.


Saturday I went to an 8am class at Crossfit Oswego and then a group of us headed to Crossfit Plainfield to celebrate their grand opening with a team WOD.  It was SO fun.  The workout was “Murph” which is a warrior WOD.  A warrior workout in Crossfit is typically long and grueling which is our way of paying respects to a fallen soldier.  “Murph” is a 1 mile run, 100 pullups, 200 pushups, 300 air squats &  another 1 mile run.  What, that doesn’t sound fun to you? That’s okay, this means you are normal.  The good news is we did this in partners, so we each did 1/2.  Probably a good thing, because my body already hurts today so I cannot imagine what I would feel like if I had to do the whole thing!  It was such a fun atmosphere, crossfit gyms from all around the area came to support and join in the “fun”.

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OH and I almost forgot the best part, the PALEO TREATS.  There were these amazing paleo cupcakes that I DEVOURED.  I actually had one before the workout because they were staring me down saying EAT ME I AM AWESOME.  Cupcakes don’t lie.  The treats were made by Cindy and Bernie  who are CFO members that run a Paleo catering business.  They literally make meals for people every week.  If you are in the Aurora/Oswego area, check them out on facebook: Cinderellapaleo Catering

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I did have to head into the office to work a project, but somehow that did not feel as bad since it was Saturday and I was not required to look nice 🙂

Later that night, I did my big grocery shop and cook-up for the week.  I love blasting music, drinking wine and cooking up my food.  It was a bonus that my good friend Michelle came over while I was doing this, so I had good company!  On the menu this week is meatza, seasoned chicken with kale & potatoes, rutabaga hash-browns & pistachio encrusted salmon.  YUM. The goal is to make sure Shain doesn’t eat everything before Tuesday (yes this has happened, especially with meatza).


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Sunday I had a full day of awesome clients and then Shain and I literally laid around the house. I was able to get some reading in and write a few blog posts for this week, yay!  I feel energized and ready to have productive week!


  • Michelle

    I love that I am mentioned in this 🙂 And better yet, I love that I can get caught up on your life (since we don’t know every detail of each other’s lives anymore as roommates) and awesome fitness tips (since you are the smartest fitness chick I know) Love ya Jilly 🙂

  • Suz

    What are the recipes for all these dishes? They sound delicious!!! Especially the salmon one. You can cook for me anytime 🙂 Or maybe when Shell and I move, we’ll have Paleo dinner and wine nights and you can teach me how to cook these!

  • Kaylee Jordan

    Jill … I love reading your blog and you should post those recipes ASAP! It’s really not fair to be pregnant and READ about food … now I want some. And I want ice cream haha. Anyways, keep up the great work!

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