October fun.
I was about to start writing this post with “Wow, these last few weeks have been crazy!” until I realized that in the two years I have been blogging I think I have started a post with that line at least 25 times. I swear, even when I give things up and try to say no to more…life is still so crazy. I feel like I cannot get a breath in! Sad part is I had the last 8 weeks off of grad school classes, so that is one more thing that will be added on in two weeks. But only two more courses to go, whoopeeee!
There has been so many big life events these last few weeks that have my emotions all in a tizzy. First was the big move of two of our very good friends, Mike and Chelsey. Although, it is a good thing for them to be heading back home to Minnesota to be closer to family and their roots, it was a heart breaker. When I moved to Oswego 5 years ago to live with Shain, I was very uneasy about this new town I was about to live in as I didn’t know much about it. Low and behold this outgoing little blonde who just started working at AU told me that she and her husband lived in Oswego, just a few blocks away from us, and that is was lovely. Turns out she was right. Insta- friends!
We started on going runs together, then we did races together, we took lots of coffee walks with our pups, biked to work together and eventually we grew our little circle of friendship to some other co-workers who also lived in the area. Mike and Chelsey were the sole reason I started to fall in love with Oswego. There is truly something to be said about having friends/neighbors who are within seconds away and always up for an adventure, even a simple one. As if I did not love them enough, they had an adorable baby boy a year ago who I have had the privilege of getting to know. I love these three and super sad I won’t be seeing them on a weekly basis anymore. But that just means Shain and I will get to explore the beautiful state of Minnesota now 😉
My brother and his family moved back to Illinois after being in Maryland for a very long time, which means we get to see them and my niece so much more, it is AWESOME. We just celebrated her second birthday a few weeks ago in conjunction with another family party we always have before my grandparents go back to Florida for the winter. She is just getting so big so fast and I am so thankful I get to see her more and more as she develops into this awesome little person. I mean look at her.
Lastly, my BEST FRIEND got married this past weekend. And it could not have been a more perfectly awesome day. My heart was SO full on Sunday, so much happiness and so many great moments. Not only was she one of the easiest brides ever (actually all my friends have been easy brides, cuz I don’t tend to associate with the bridezilla type- sorry) but the day of she was so calm, collected and just happy. She rocked it.
This girl has been my rock for 14 years and she has found her self one outstanding man to spend her life with. The drinks were flowing, the dance floor pulsed all night and you could NOT get a bad picture of these two. They looked just stunning. I am so excited to see how all the pictures turn out!
I am not going to lie, my MOH speech which I was so nervous about ( I seriously felt like I was going to puke) went great. I got laughs, I got tears and nobody booed me or stole the mic from my hands, phew. Again, all in all freaking awesome weekend.
Of course, September and October are also crazy busy months in the world of Admission so the pace at the office is nonstop. I am lucky if I can answer an email in 24 hours let alone even get to my email. Shain is gone pretty often during these months as well, which is a total bummer. Not sure when this crazy life will ever slow down, I keep trying as I might to hit the brakes, I really do. For now, I suppose I should just enjoy the ride.
Stay blessed in the mess 🙂
Don't blame me.
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