Resolution check-in
Man, the week after the fourth of July holiday is ROUGH, eh? I hope you all had as much fun this past weekend as I did, it has always been one of my most favorite holidays for many reasons. It does not involve spending money on gifts- it just involves being outside, eating good food and hanging out with people you love. We definitely did all of that.
I got to do a workout with an old friend who I have not seen in forever, Shain and I spent hours at the pool, I had a successful long run that didn’t feel like death, we grilled out, took a canoeing trip, hit up a flea market and ended the weekend with some awesome music. Success. Yay, America!
It is usually at this point in the year I also start to reflect a little bit on how my resolutions/goals are going. What? You have given up on your resolutions already?! Never fear, it is not too late! Don’t let yourself fall into the majority who don’t make it. You still have time to conquer your 2014 goals. Not to mention, who says you can’t make some more goals while you are at it or maybe tweak your current ones. No better time to start than now. This year I set some pretty straightforward and simple goals for myself, here is the progress on some of them:
Avoid talking negative at all costs about anybody/any situation:
I had no idea when I made this goal, how challenging of a year this would be, so this was incredibly appropriate to keep me in check. I of course am not going through anything traumatic or terrible other than your every day stupid stress- I realize how blessed I am in my own mess (see what I did there?)- but I have had a hard time staying on track these past months with this specific goal. I would be lying to you if I said I have been doing a good job not getting caught up in negative BS. It literally has felt like it is EVERYWHERE lately. No excuses though, I must get back on my positive train and not fall into the negative banter in my head or amongst others. In order to create positivity and change in others, you have to be it and BREATHE IT. Bottom line.
Don’t buy anything new- secondhand stores only:
Okay, so I have to admit. This goal has NOT been hard, it has been downright FUN. I have cheated on this twice, once for a workout tank and the other with some gift cards I had while we were on our honeymoon- but in my mind gift cards don’t count since I am not using my money right?! Other than that, I have not really had the desire to buy anything brand new and to be honest, I am not sure I ever will again. I have been striking GOLD at Goodwill/Clothes Mentor/Platos Closet. Just the other day, I brought in a bunch of clothes to donate to Clothes Mentor and I used the money I got back in the store on these bad boys below- Tory Burch Flats.
THEY WERE FIFTEEN DOLLARS. What the WHAT?! GOLD I TELL YOU! Technically I spent nothing on them- since I had a $22 credit, BOOM. There are lots of brands I have always thought seemed nice to have, you know for people who can afford it/are willing to drop money….AKA not me. But, my mind has been changed. Look at me wearing clothes from White House Black Market, J-Crew, Sperry boat shoes and Tory Burch Flats! Maybe one day I will be somebody who can spend hundreds of dollars on a single pair of shoes and then donate them once they have a scuff on them. Actually… I don’t think I will ever do that, so instead I will continue to be the girl that shops at the thrift stores in those rich neighborhoods, I am cool with that.
Have more FUN:
Last year I was really hard on myself and did not allow for too much “play” and when I did, I was guilty about it for days. As stated my my previous post, eating clean is a necessity for me, it is my way of life and always will be. BUT this year I made a pact to let go a little. If I have a rest day the next day, I shouldn’t feel bad about enjoying a few drinks. If I worked hard on the track/trail/gym that day, it is okay to have a treat. As you know, my problem is turning one small treat in to an entire bag of sour patch kids, which is my reason for cutting sweets out entirely. I am working on that, little by little.
All in all, I need a reset button and summer is a good time to do that. I am going to do some re-reading of The Secret, get back in my journaling routine and really spend time reflecting my goals moving forward. I encourage you to do the same, stay blessed in the MESS! 🙂
Just keep showing up
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