Thoughts become reality
So, you know how I always write about staying positive and manifesting/visualizing your life, going after what you want..bla bla bla? Well, I have an apology to give to you. I have not been following my own advice lately. What a hypocrite, I am very sorry. See? Even us bubbly pooping rainbows kind of people have their days.
It has been a challenging year at work filled with pressure, negativity and drama. My Marathon training did not have the awesome start I was hoping. Planning a wedding filled with constant negative stress around me did not help either. But, after doing some reading and reflecting these last few weeks, I realize the reason all of these things were happening this way…because I lost control and LET THEM HAPPEN. I let myself feel stressed and fall into a negative environment at work, I told myself there was no way I could get everything done everyday, I told myself I was not cut out to be a leader or to manage people and I told myself there is no way I can turn the negative environment around… and guess what? My thoughts became my reality, like they always do.
From the beginning of marathon training, I felt defeated. How can I get to where I was last year? What if I fail again? I can’t do this. Guess how many failed runs I had with that mindset? A LOT. Of course I did. Not to mention the fact that I have been in 3 car accidents in a matter of months. How is that for negative energy slamming back in your face? Sorry about that, old yellow.
Our thoughts become our reality. I KNOW this. I PREACH this. I LIVE by this. I have SEEN it happen time and time again. But I became lost and forgot how easy it can be to turn around.
Everything I have been blessed with these last several years came to be because I visualized it and I believed it. All came out of nowhere, when I least expected it. Even when it didn’t make sense for it to happen…it still happened. I did not seek opportunity, opportunity literally came knocking at my door yelling “LOOK AT ME JILL!!”. And it was because I was on this happy train of positivity and taking life by the horns. When you are on that happy train, awesome things just keep happening. Somewhere somehow, I fell off that train and started riding on a different one. This new train is filled with ” I can’t control this” and “sometimes life sucks but I am going to accept it” kind of attitude, I want off NOW.
Just in the last week alone I have felt revitalized at work and had some awesome workouts. Coincidence? I think not. We have to constantly keep ourselves in check and REMIND ourselves WE are in control of our destiny, WE can have the life we want.
Yes, the mind is indeed a battlefield. But the crazy part? We control the war. It is so simple, yet so easy to forget. Stay blessed in the mess 🙂
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