Tribute to CFO
How is it Friday already? This week was insane, sorry for being a bad blogger. Today I would like to tribute my post to Crossfit Oswego, also known as CFO. Because CFO is so awesome, they have outgrown their gym and are moving to a bigger location across the street. So today was our last official 530am workout in the original space where I fell in love with Crossfit. Despite not having the full AM crew, it was a fun time.
Many people have lots of opinions about Crossfit and that’s okay. But let me tell you why I LOVE it. You see, being an athlete has not always been a natural thing for me. It does not run in my family and I have certainly had to work very hard over the years just to keep up with others. Funny thing is, no matter how bad I wanted to be on the varsity soccer squad or in the top 7 for cross country meets, that was not why I joined. I joined sports because I loved being a part of something bigger than myself. It never mattered who we were off the field or the track, all that ever mattered was that we were all there together for the same purpose, to be the best we can be. I loved encouraging others and being encouraged. I loved having others who would challenge me beyond what I thought were my limits but then a moment later could make me laugh so hard I’d pee my pants.
After College, I missed being a part of something like that so bad. Sure, I started getting involved in marathons, triathlons, club soccer etc. but it wasn’t the same . Crossfit had always intrigued me because I love to lift but had a hard time pushing myself when I did it on my own. So when I heard there was a gym opening a mile from my house, I could not have been more excited. I was in good shape, but I wanted to be better, stronger. I will admit, I was a little scared. I mean when I saw the kind of people that did Crossfit, they were usually pretty intense looking with full sleeve tattoos, bulging muscles and “I am better than you” attitudes. Boy, I was wrong. It is easy to judge something you know nothing about I guess.
The coaches and people at CFO are nothing short of amazing. I still am so inspired at all the different walks of life that come in to that gym on a daily basis. Sure, we have a lot of naturally talented athletes that are incredibly strong and fast. But we also have a lot of normal people, people just trying to get moving and get healthy. Even if it means they are the last to finish a workout. At CFO, nobody cares what your time is, nobody cares how heavy you are lifting but everybody pushes you to be your best. I love that while I might be awesome at a workout one day, I can be dead-last the next. You just never know what you will get when you walk in that door, but you always know it will challenge you. I have done things in that gym I never thought were possible. Workouts that I looked at on the board and thought “you want me to do WHAT?”- but somehow, someway it gets done but not without the support of my fellow athletes. I am finally a part of something again, a team.
My first day ever at CF was back in May and at that point I could not even do a single pull-up on my own. While, I have the kipping pull-up down I am still working on getting those regular pullups, I can only do 7 in a row right now but my goal is 15 by the end of the year. But since starting I have become stronger, faster and overall more confident than I have ever felt before. But like I said, it’s not about that. I have gained a sense of community I had missed so dearly and for that CFO, I thank you 🙂
Happy Tuesday!
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