Since my marathon…(oh ya know over two months ago) I have been having a little “vacation”. No, not the tropical beach kind..the kind of vacation that makes you want to stay as far away as possible from a tropical beach and bathing suits, actually. I have taken a vacation from training hard, eating super clean and overall just being a no fun tight a$$ who is obsessed with her goals. Now, before you judge me let me just say that my version of this is probably not that bad (but in my head it is). I still make all my meals for the week on Sundays and I still am starting the day with a workout and a protein shake. But … if it was somebody’s birthday in the office and they brought cake, I ate it. If we went out to dinner, I destroyed the bread and butter before our meal. I am only doing one workout a day (gasp). I have made weekly trips to Walgreens to pick up some DOTS and Sour patch kids just because I felt like seeing if I could finish both boxes in the mile drive back home. I may or may not have had some kind of alcoholic drink almost every single night for a few weeks straight (fall is also a very stressful time of year, okay!?). It has been nice to not be on a strict regimen and be human. Being human can be fun.
I have run a handful of times, but not much. Poor Wyatt is bursting with energy right now due to our lack of running routine. This is usually the time of year where he can go for miles and miles. Sorry, buddy. Long walks will have to do for now.
I did do my two usual Fall 5ks though, and it turns out 5ks can hurt as bad as a marathon if you are not running much. Who knew? My Dad and Stepmom have made the tradition of coming out for the Fraidykat 5k in Oswego which is always fun. We all run it and then enjoy breakfast by Shain after, perfection. Despite not running and despite feeling like my lungs were on fire, I pulled out second female for this race with a 20:52. I was pretty pleased! In my prime MAYBE I could have gotten a hold of that 13 year old ahead of me…maybe.
Then my brother and I always do the Veterans day run in Westchester, it is our little sibling tradition. I kind of hate his natural running ability. He never runs (except for this race once a year) and still pulls out a 24 minute 5k. And that was not even his fastest ever! Jerk!
I took home first female for this race, no PR again but still pleased with a sub 21. Burning lungs made an appearance as well.
That has been the extent of my running these last two months and right now I do not have any races on the horizon. I am okay with that. It has been a great 2014 running season for me with lots of huge PRs, but I am happy to put it to rest. My body is finally starting to recover from marathon mode and I am slowly getting my strength back. I am truly looking forward to adjusting my body a bit to get used to more Crossfit. I have been steadily increasing my CF days and getting in the groove…now I just need to turn on my inner fury and start going a little harder during workouts.
I do have to admit, in order to not go totally crazy I did make a small little goal starting recently. Last year I decided I would give up sweets during the holiday season so that I would not get sucked in and wake up 7-12 pounds heavier on New Year’s Day (It’s all muscle right??). So, because of my last two months of escapades, I have decided to do that again starting earlier. NO sweets through the rest of the year. Only exceptions are a piece of Pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving and Blueberry Coffee cake (tradition) on Christmas. THAT IS IT.
I am only a few weeks into this and my co coworkers and students already think it is funny to “accidentally” leave candy on my desk or throw chocolate at me while I am making phone calls. So supportive. But in all seriousness, I always enjoy a challenge to get back on track. I am happy to take this break and it makes me feel free, but I also am already starting to feel a little lost and anxious. Yearning for something to work for again. But that is just me, I am happiest when I am working towards something.
Stay blessed in the mess! 🙂
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