We all have been the victim of something in our lives. Whether it be of a bad family situation, bad breakup, health issues, negative work environment. Woe is me, we say. I have it so rough, we say. We might even be guilty of exaggerating our circumstance a little bit to get more emotions and sympathy out of people. It is human nature. BUT it is also a good way to drive people away from you… and not to mention drive away your own personal happiness and success.
Often times when you hear people tell a story such as “my work environment is terrible” OR “that relationship was awful, he/she did this and that”…there is always more to the story. Not saying people are not at fault sometimes, but we are ALL at fault for something. Nobody is perfect and every side has a story.
This has been a struggle for me lately, my stress levels at work are at an all time high and I have been struggling to stay positive. I will be the first to admit, I need to vent about things every once in a while. But I also know constantly venting about others will NOT change any situation. I have to take control. I have more power than I think to change any given situation.
We are selfish. We always want to know what others can do for US, that we rarely think about what WE can do. Especially in relationships. When is the last time, that instead of complaining about a took ownership and CHANGED it? It is easy to play the victim. People feel bad for you. You get attention. But it is HARD to own up to our weaknesses and make changes. Successful people do not put fault on others, they power through regardless of the challenges. They find a way. They take ownership of what they need to work on and fix it.
What do YOU do to better your relationships, your health, your work, your family? What do YOU bring to the table?
Stay blessed in the mess 🙂
Better than yesterday.
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