What’s your intention?
During my Bikram Yoga class yesterday I had my all time favorite instructor. At the beginning of class, he talked to us about a different way of approaching resolutions for the new year. He said that instead of making resolutions, you should set intentions. In yoga, this is a common practice to get your mind ready for what is to come in class and also a way to make sure you get the full benefit of each posture. At the end of class, you are to also set your intention for your day. For example, “I intend to have safe travels today” or “I intend to have a productive day”. Setting your mind up is the first step in successful goal setting.
I am very much a believer in positive thinking and manifesting your best life, I have Shain to thank for that. I have always been a generally positive and happy person, but I often fell into the trap of ‘that’s not possible”, or “I wish I could do that”. During my senior year of college, I was having a bit of a rough go at life. Seeing the route I was going down, Shain forced me to watch this documentary that was based on the book, The Secret. Some of you may have heard of it. Well, that documentary and book changed my life. The idea of it is that your thoughts manifest your reality. For example, if you constantly complain as to how broke you are, you will never have money. If you constantly look at yourself in the mirror and hate your body, you will never love it. Not buying it? Well, I didn’t either at first. I mean, come on life is not that easy, you can’t just manifest whatever you want. If that were the case I would live off sour patch kids & Nutella and have six pack abs…oh and a million dollars too. Okay maybe that’s not what I REALLY want. Have you ever had en entire family size bag of SPK’s in one sitting? Does not feel good, right? Oh, you’ve never done that? Yea, me neither.
Anyway, so I put this theory into practice. I started simple by visualizing how I wanted my day to go, then I started visualizing more before my soccer games for how I wanted to be able to play, did the same for my exams, etc. By golly, IT WORKED! So many things just….kept…happening. I cannot even explain it, it was like my wants started literally appearing out of thin air. I was busting out moves and making plays on the field I never thought I could ever even do. I was Acing my exams. I was getting job offers. So, then a really creepy thing happened. When I first read through The Secret, I went home and pondered the big things I really wanted to happen within the next year and wrote them down in my journal. Then a year later I went and looked back through them and they ALL HAPPENED. BOOM, just like that. I wanted a 2005 Chevy Colorado within my budget (which mind you, almost every car dealer told me was impossible). I wanted to land a position as an Admission Counselor. I wanted to be financially stable. I wanted to be able to let go of my past and be happy. I had no idea how I was going to attain these things exactly because at the time, they did not seem possible.
I am TELLING you, this works. Think really hard about what YOU want. Not what your neighbor wants, not what your mother wants, no not even what society tells you that you should want. What do YOU want? Money is no object. Time is no object. Location is no object. Heck, common sense is no object either. Write it down and believe in it. Does NOT matter how impossible it may sound. Pretend you already have it. Start throwing it out into the Universe and somehow, someway it will come to be. It could be as simple as losing 5lbs or as complex as beating cancer. Does not matter. What do you have to lose?
Surround yourself.
First comes love...
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Jill- I think your doing an amazing job with your blog. I LOVE reading it !! This one really hits home for me. Thanks for reminding me that being positive can go a long way !!
Thanks Frankie, I am SO glad you enjoy it. I miss your beautiful face 🙂 See you soon!
It’s always a pleasure to hear from someone with exiertpse.
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